Thursday, May 12, 2016

Of Mice and Men - Conflict

There are many conflicts in the book “Of Mice and Men” which add to the plot. The conflicts make the plot and story more interesting by adding different scenes or things to make the reader want to read more. The conflict helps the plot as well because it shows what kind of characters are in the story.

One conflict in the story is Man vs. Man. In the story, Lennie and Curley got into a fight when Lennie got caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to do. A quote from the story said, “Curley stepped over to Lennie like a terrier. “What the hell you laughin’ at?” This shows that Curley got mad over what Lennie was doing which brought tension between them.

Another conflict in this story is how Crooks is treated because of his skin color. This conflict is Man vs. Society. A quote from the book said, “I ain’t wanted in the bunkhouse.” This quote shows that the people in the bunkhouse don’t respect him because of the time period in which many colored people were not accepted. This also shows how Society is basically against Crooks for how he looks.

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