Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Blog 10-14-15

Prompt: Which character do you like the best? Why? What do you like about what you are reading?
A Corner of the Universe by Ann M. Martin
Pages read: 1-87

      I am currently reading A Corner of the Universe by Ann M. Martin. Hattie Owen has just turned 12 and thinks that her life will change, and it did. Her uncle Adam, that she had just learned about, is staying with her over the summer. Adam does not act like everyone else does, but Hattie treats him like her friend. 

      One thing I like about Hattie is that she always thinks about Adam and decides what is best for him. She also tries to include him in things she does everyday like taking a walk around town. I like this about her because she actually gives Adam a chance to be himself with her and to gain a friendship with him. This also shows me that Hattie is a kind, and caring person because she doesn't exclude Adam from things or makes fun of him, she does the opposite.

      Something that I like about reading A Corner of the Universe is that it really does relate to the real world. I think this because people have disorders or other diseases, and the world labels them as " different " or " not normal " but this book shows that it is ok to be different because there's always something unique about you. I also like that the main character, Hattie because, she does not think of Adam differently or is embarrassed about Adam like most people in her family are.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice job with the post. I could understand what's going on in the book and I can tell why you think Hattie is caring and why you like her. I would probably like that character too if I were to read the book, it sounds like she's friends with everyone.

    (there was a typo in the first comment that's why I deleted it)

  3. Great job with your blog! You did a great job with the prompts that you chose. A corner of the universe sounds like a really good book to read and Hattie sounds like a very interesting character.
