Thursday, December 3, 2015

Non-Fiction Blog 11/30/15

The book I am reading is Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul on Tough Stuff. The genre of this book is Memoir/Non-Fiction. I have read the drugs and alcohol section in this book. This chapter is about people who have parents who abuse drugs and alcohol and how it affected them. To me, I liked this chapter because it gave me a new perspective on kids like us who were dealing with parents who weren't setting a good environment. The authors are a variety of people who want to share their stories in this book.

"As I place the flowers next to my father's ashes, I say a silent prayer and wait there for just a moment. I recall everything about my dad-the good and the bad alike-and I remember the man my father was." This quote is interesting to me because the the father's daughter still loves her dad after his bad habits. I think this quote is saying that in the end, a person is still who they are behind all of the bad things and that you shouldn't judge anyone by what they do.

Some of the things I've learned by reading this are to think before I act, and to be responsible. I am not likely to forget these things in the near future because they will shape me into being a better person. If you think before you act then you can stop yourself from becoming someone that can ruin your future. Being responsible will make you a a good person because you can be independent in life without having something holding you back.